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Visitors 150

Below are a selection of photos from my travels to Italy and Paris.

Through my images I hope to inspire people to visit places they have never been to.
Venice Canal                              'Pink Tones'The Gondolier, Venice Canal ItalySpanish Steps Rome'Heading back' Venice canal ItalyVenice carnival Italy'Cycling home' Piazza del Popolo Ascoli Piceno, Le Marche ItalyPienza TuscanyIl Duomo Catherdral FlorenceVenice canalFlorence Italy 'Roof tops'Ponte Vecchia FlorencePonte Vecchia FlorenceBurano Island Venice'Mirror reflection' Venice Carnival Costume'Pastel colours' Burano Island Venice Italy'Cycling home' Piazza del Popolo Ascoli Piceno, Le Marche ItalyParis sculpturesParis Lamp postsNotre Dame Paris FranceCobbled Streets Paris Photography 'heading home'