
This time of year I like to look back on some of the highlights throughout the year, 2019 has been a exciting year for my photography and writing. In March I had my first radio interview with Anna Webb at Crufts on my book Nothing Beats A Staffie Smile, during the Summer I wrote an article on my trip to Scone Palace in Scotland with one of my friends Tess and her lovely rescue dog Kratu and the article was published in Dog Friendly magazine, when I saw my first travel article in print it was a proud moment.

In 2017 I opened my online Etsy Shop to sell some of my favourite wildlife and travel prints, earlier this year I reached 152 sales on Etsy which I am really pleased about, it means a lot that people from around the world have some of my images on display in their homes https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/NatashaBalletta

I have also ventured into Graffiti Art Photo Shoots, I thoroughly enjoy these photo shoots as locations such as Leake Street Tunnel and Shoreditch provide a great variety of artistic and quirky backdrops and I get to be more creative in camera. If you would like to view some examples from previous photo shoots please visit https://www.natashaballettaphotography.com/dog-photography-street-art-london







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