Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Last week I went to Yorkshire Wildlife Park for the day to visit their Amur Tiger Cubs Hector, Harley and Hope for their first birthday and had a brilliant day there. I also really enjoyed watching and photographing the young polar bears Nissan and Pixel who are really close and enjoy playing together. I fell in love with Nissan and could of watched him all day. The icing on the cake was seeing the 9 month old Amur Leopard Cubs towards the end of the day, they are gorgeous cubs and were a joy to watch.

Amur Tigers and Amur Leopards need our help now more then ever. Due to things like habitat destruction and poaching, there are less then 500 tigers living in their natural habitat and only about 80 Amur Leopards left in the wild which makes this gorgeous animal the rarest and probably most endangered big cat in the world.

Some of the organisations who do wonderful work to help these beautiful and majestic animals are 21st Century Tiger http://www.21stcenturytiger.org/ and ALTA Conservation http://www.altaconservation.org/projects/active-projects/

One of the other animals who needs our help is the Polar Bear.  One of the biggest threats to polar bears is global warming. Yorkshire Wildlife Park have 4 polar bears including Victor, Pixel, Nissan and Nobby. Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation with Polar Bears International and together they hope to rescue bears from substandard conditions, improve the welfare for polar bears in zoos and parks and support conservation and welfare of wild polar bears.

 If you would like more information on the great work they do please visit their websites  Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation http://ywpfoundation.com/project-polar/ and Polar Bears International http://www.polarbearsinternational.org/

Without organistations like 21st Century Tiger, ALTA Conservation, Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation and Polar Bears International these animals would probably be extinct in the wild which would be very sad and a real shame.

 Below are a few of my favourite photos of Tschuna, Hector, Harley, Hope, Freya's leopard cubs and Nissan and Pixel:



























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