Pet Portrait Photography London

I had a fun photo shoot with Leticia, Wilf, Frank and Chedi in London on Saturday, Leticia won my photo shoot voucher at All Dogs Matter's Valentine Dog Walk earlier this year, it was really nice to finally meet up and get to know some of the dogs she looks after. They are great dogs and each of them have so much personality. Wilf the Whippet and Frank the French Bulldog are always together, they are the best of friends.

Leticia is a Dog Walker and Professional Behaviourist Dog Trainer based in London. Even though we only met up for the afternoon, it shows how much Leticia loves dogs and looking after them.

I used my Nikon D300s camera and Sigma 70-200mm F2.8 lens for the photo shoot, the Sigma lens is one of my favourite lenses as it is versatile and you can get more candid photos.







































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